
By memento

Compressed data

Thank you for all the fun and fabulous ideas yesterday, I will try them all eventually!

After some experimenting today with all those obsolete CDs, this is what I came up with: a totally kitch, sparkly, tiny bowl with a lacy rim...they look magical with tea candles in them. A guaranteed hit with kids as a craft activity! What would you come up with, Martha Stewart?!

bigger sparkle


You'll need:

2 tiny stainless steel bowls that fit into each other
(good if they have slightly flat bottoms)
Cookie sheet
2 CDs
Cut sheet metal disk to cover the hole (mine is brass)


Oven to 400°F/200°C.

Sandwich the metal disk between the 2 CDs, shiny sides of the CDs facing out. (I used small bits of Scotch/Cello tape to keep the metal disk in place and small bits around the edge to keep the two disks together)

One bowl goes upside down on the cookie sheet, the CD sandwich is centered on top, the other bowl upside goes down centered on top of the CDs. It's a little unstable at this point so transfer to oven carefully.

Tip: windows wide open, vent fans makes the kitchen noxious!

After twenty minutes in the oven, the CDs will be fully slumped over the bottom bowl, the top bowl acts as an even weight around the perimeter, pleating the CD as it softens.

Remove from the oven and gently push down on the top bowl (wear OVEN MITTS!) to mold the CDs further.

Let everything cool together thoroughly before peeling it apart.

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