Keeping Austin a little less weird

Austin, Texas has a catchphrase which you sometimes see on t-shirts, bumper stickers and baseball hats, "Keep Austin Weird". Well Austin is a little less weird I am afraid because I bought this chap in the mesmerising thrift shop (less of the thrift really). He caught my eye straight away and I decided to buy him if he was still there when I went back a couple of days later (fate and all that). He was, but they had rearranged the shop so it took a while to locate him and I ended up picking up 3 original large black and white photos of Bob Hope I know, I know....who does that? before I made my way to the doll.

I still haven't unpacked but as he has a ceramic head I unpacked him first to check he was intact and on propping him against the cupboard he gracefully or should that read confidently???slid down and appeared to wrap his arm around the clock.

If you know me and you know my blips you will appreciate creepy looking dolls are my thing but having slept with him staring at me for the last 3 nights I can say he's starting to instill a little atmosphere in the bedroom and not the welcome type....he'll be in the spare bedroom tonight.

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