Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw

Forest of Wishes, Tramway, Glasgow on 9/11

As I reflected on the twelfth anniversary this morning, I wondered what this 9/11 would bring for me. I have been anxiously waiting for news for over a week now.

I needed some space, some peace away from the rush of the day, so I walked down to the Tramway, and found this new installation. The Forest of Wishes is a collection of thoughts, wishes, prayers and messages hung by thousands of visitors on the Wishing Trees outside in the Hidden Gardens. Created by Bill Breckenridge, to celebrate ten years years of the Hidden Gardens, the forest is inside the Tramway as you approach the cafe area.

And this 9/11 brought good news, after nearly ten months of difficulty and uncertainty. The details are not for this site, but those who know what we've been going through will see how the forest relates to our journey. Many prayers have been offered, thoughts and messages received, and wishes to see happier times. A major hurdle crossed as we carry on, not quite knowing what lies ahead.

Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Matt Redman

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