the morning after

I think it was on Sunday morning when our friend S called. She had popped into my daughter in a bus and heard we are moving soon. When are you moving she asked? Tell me when you are moving and I will come and take all the kids, okay? (Well, some of our kids are rather big already but they are all kids for her, anyway :)). At the same time I got a message from my friend R announcing that the next painting night will be in our new house. And this time it would be painting with the big brushes and rollers. And not long after that I got another message in which our friend J volunteered to help out in carrying the heavy furniture when we are moving (or was it his wife who volunteered him to help out ;))

I think we are very lucky.

So here's one end of our living room after the painting night by four skillful ladies. You can see the original medium brown color still on the left. Apparently the previous owners had found it comforting because most of the main floor was brown. But since I'm in the hunt for more light, this part is turning white. I was so happy this morning seeing how the space was changing and the light flooding in.

Thanks ladies!

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