2 Cups Left

Tay and Bosch...Lemonade entrepreneurs extraordinaire.

I met these two little cards tonight on my bike ride. It was a warm ride, 97 degrees by some accounts, and as I pulled up to the intersection by the Perrydale school, I saw Tay and Bosch at their lemonade stand. As soon as they saw a cyclist on this warm afternoon, they climbed out of their folding chairs and waved me over seeking my business.

I told them I would love to buy a lemonade from them, but I didn't have any money on me as I cycled.

And then Tay offered this: "Well, ok, then...I guess it's on the house."

I told them I would stop by on my way back, probably 15 or 20 minutes on my cycling route. Sure enough, I stopped by on my trip back, and Tay and Bosch went into action.

I asked how business had been on this warm day: "Not bad," said Bosch, "I think we made 12 dollars." Tay chimed in: "I think it was good because she got out by the road and shook her blonde hair." I'm not making this stuff up. It was about a 12.0 on the Cute Meter.

They poured me a tall glass of warm, iceless lemonade. On this smoking hot day, it tasted like some magical elixir. I asked if they would be around for a few minutes, that I would be back with their payment. At the bottom of their placard, in chalk, it read, "2 cups left," and I had taken one of the two cups left. They said they'd hang around until I made it back.

I pedaled off into the windy afternoon, told Tom about it at home, then roared back with three bucks for Tay and Bosch. They were waiting with their mom for my return. Bosch ran across the lot to get my payment.

It was the best $3 warm lemonade I've ever had. "It's on the house." Thanks, Tay.

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