a life in photos

By fernridge


the day after the storm, and she was a good storm too - if you can call mother nature unleashing her windy inner beast, followed by spectactular lightening and rolling thunder along with a little rain a good storm!

The might winds have wrecked havoc around our area, and power is still out in some places, we were lucky, we had ours back on within 24 hours - some people haven't been so lucky, and some people have been very impatient about the fact they are without power - this disappoints me a LOT - I thought us cantabrians had gained a degree of "we can cope with life" however, today I heard of some shocking impatience exhibited by members of the public - one poor electrician we know was verbally abused when driving home because he "wasn't out there fixing the broken shit and getting our power back on" - unfortunately he would have been if he could, but its the powers company's that do it, not private electricians.

This planation - well what's left of it, is just down the road from us .. this whole block was full of trees - you can see the roots along the bottom of the photo - there's not much standing now. A look on the bright side? There's going to be lots of firewood around this year!

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