Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Blue Jasmine

Eileen (that's her, up there), Angeli, John and I saw it tonight. Woody Allen. It's good! It's been around a while, but we're just catching up.

Angeli liked Jasmine's outfits. Eileen liked Ginger's boyfriend. John proclaimed it a statement regarding the downfall of American culture. Me? Well, I liked the outfits and the boyfriend, I also liked the cars ... but I think it's just a story. It's a great story, and well woven. If there's a statement, then it's "don't get involved in Ponzi Schemes cos they'll just eff you up". But other than that, it's just a great story.

Cate Blanchett is mesmerizing. If I ever go mad, I hope I go mad like she pretended to be. Madness of the beguiling variety.

Anyway, Ginger's boyfriend is a total dish!!

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