aging hippy

By aginghippy

Light Box

I've always wanted a Light Box so that I could do close ups with a neutral background and without flash and eliminating 90% of the shadows.
These boxes cost between $40 and $150, so margaret downloaded instructions from the Internet.
So with a 14x12 cardboard box , white linen , Bristol paper, scissors , box cutter , a few pins and glue and lots of patience then three hours later I have a professional Light Box for a few dollars.
This is my first shot using the Light Box. The miniature Damon Hill Buzzin' Hornets car is less than 3 inches long......


Thanks to "mobilevirgin" and "bri" for their very helpful comments. This was the first time I have tried using a light box and didn't quite get the exposure right. I've edited the white balance on their advice and I agree it looks much better.
'still learning after all these years'


Should have said it was Margaret that made the Light Box. If it had been me with scissors and a box cutter they'd have been blood and bits of fingers all over the place. Thank you margaret !


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