The beholder's eye

By uniqueandlovely


I was Just sitting in my sitting room, on my lap top deciding which fly pic I should blip today, thinking how lucky some people are having exciting things right outside their door to blip.
When.......bang crash flutter and this little beauty came flying at speed through my conservatory, Dining room and into my sitting room window!!!
I thought it was a pigeon, and the Staffi X thought it was a nice extra dinner!!!
I jumped up, put down the lap top and ran to the rescue, the staffi X was very reluctant to give up her prize, and it took me about 5 minutes of wrestling with her screaming for Mr U&L who was in the bath before he appeared in a towel, dripping and shut her in the hall!
He was quite cross, being dragged from his bath, until he realised we had a female sparrow hawk (at least I think it is) currently sitting in a vase of carnations on the windowsill.
He told me to open the window and let her out, but Honestly, is he mad, there was no way I was going to let her out without first getting a few shots!
So...I carefully wrapped her in a couple of old towels, and she let me have a little photo shoot before I set her free.
So... today's unexpected blip is a female Sparrow hawk, such a beautiful creature, and so calm, waiting patiently to be released.
We have a bird feeder just outside the conservatory door, and I guess she just misjudged it.
For me the thought for the day is be careful what you wish for!

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