Ships that pass......
Evening all,
If my ship sails from sight, it doesn't mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends - Enoch Powell
The Alfa Britannia loading 605,000 barrels, EK Star heading to Rotterdam.
A busy day.......where his 1,2,3 matched our 2,3,4.....
.......we talked breasts without being offensive or sexual......
.......shifting loads wasn't being cheeky......
.......and the smell couldn't be blamed on anyone lol ;0)
Weekend off....the sicky is back at work........nice one !!!! ;0)
Have a great evening ;0)
TTFN ;0)
ps....his 1,2,3 were his manifolds we connect to which were lined up with our loading arms 2,3,4
.......talking breasts were his lines we run to keep him in position.....headlines, stern lines, breast lines, spring lines...
.......he's getting a different load, we shifted what ship is getting what.....
.......and the smell was the vapour coming from the ship when we started loading......!!!
Just thought I'd explain lol ;0)
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