It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Ive Got The Important Stuff!!!

Yes my dear blip friends my holiday starts after my night shift tonight. I woke up with a raging sore throat today! Just perfect!!!!

Still have to pack the other half's stuff as surprise surprise he hasn't done a thing!
Have to go back in the loft for another bag ......Ooops

Still as you can see the important stuff is all ready to go. The Camera Gear!

I apologise in advance as I certainly wont have time to comment on many peoples blips tonight. Depending how much internet I can get there I probably wont have time to comment much while I'm away. Don't think G will be happy if I spend all my time on blip this week either ;-)

Thank you for getting "Bless My Paws...Its Raining " to the spotlight yesterday! I cant believe Diesels soggy feet reached it but there you go! lol

Got my busiest night shift of the week too tonight and I doubt we will get any sleep as I think we will stay up all night and then leave.
We will be up for over 24 hours!

TTFN Blip friends and Ill hopefully get some nice blips.

The Soon To Be On Holiday Dragon ;-) x

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