
By cowgirl

Jenny and Oz

Today we travelled to Rishon Letzion to visit our friends Jenny and Oz, who recently returned from 3 years working in America. As you can probably tell, they went out as a couple and have come back as a threesome, or at least they will be in a couple of months!

The weather has turned very hot now, so after a great lunch of hummous and salads and a short walk along the sea front, it was back to the house with the air con on to drink coffee.

Back on the kibbutz this evening, sitting outside with an electric fan whirring away over us, one of my friend's daughters has had a master class in drawing from Sav. It was slightly disturbed by a passing frog, as Kashkash ( not her real name, which is Dror, meaning both freedom and sparrow ) is a little nervous of them!

The kids have no issue about communicating with Sav, they know he doesn't know Hebrew and they don't speak English, but they both manage to get their ideas across with just the odd bit of translation from those of us around who can help. This evening's lesson was " FROG!!! " Sav thought he was being cute showing it to her til she leapt up onto the table to get away from it!!!

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