
By Mikey88

Hedgerow Safari

Dad's taxi certainly earned its money today. Started off by driving to Tavistock to pick up a twenty first birthday card for the son, stopping on the way back for a hedgerow safari - ie a walk down one of the local lanes - where I took the photo above. It's a dor beetle and was just sitting there, clinging on to a plant. I also got pictures of seed heads and bracken beginning to take on it's autumn colour, not to mention a poor fly caught in a web and being sorted out by two spiders!

Next it was back home for a bit of photo editing and printing, followed by a quick lunch and back into the car to take my son to the train station, as he's off on holiday to Spain for a couple of weeks. On the way back, I stopped off at the river for an hour. It was a bit dull and I didn't get many keepers. There was a huge flock of house martins wheeling around above treetop height - gathering for a last feed before heading off for Africa,

Then it was back to Tavistock to pick my daughter up from work (poor girl had done an overnight and then continued working to four o'clock). Took her home, cooked the tea, and then had to take her out to ballet - just too far to come back, so it was waiting round for an hour and then at last, going back home without the prospect of going out again. Hooray!

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