Mad Ramblings Of An Idiot

By ivanb

Meet Edith

The owners of the Gite have five cats and a dog. The cats tend to roam a lot, so although they are domesticated they tend to avoid strangers.

Little Edith though, is quite inquisitive. We'd only been here a day or so when she came to see who we were, and with the assistance of a slice of ham, I managed to get her close enough to stroke her.

The Gite owners were quite surprised, as Edith is quite timid, vocal, but timid. Anyway, on one of our shopping trips we bought some cat treats just in case she came back to see us, and this morning, she did.

Needless to say, she scoffed the treats, and I got some cheek rubbing and a few purrs for my trouble.

This is our last day here, so we are busy tidying up and loading up the car (with far more stuff than we brought with us).

Tomorrow, a long drive back north to the ferry, so there probably won't be any more blips until we land back in blighty.

For now....

Au revoir....

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