
This collage doesn't really show the colors I'm thinking about properly. The skies are dark today and I'm in a rush to go to painting with a slightly still wonky back.

T and I made a trip to Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod last Saturday on a quest for wedding outfits. After a 21 year engagement and because it's us, there will be no formal or typical wedding clothing. Saturday afternoon, we were saved. Rescued by a designer and seamstress, Mary Deangelis who has a store and a wonderful sense of design and color that is us.

The ceremony will be on a large white & deep purple canvas labyrinth that T and I helped come to being back in 2007 at our church. We won't be carrying flowers, but there will be floral accents, greens, whites, purples & pinks, chosen to reflect our heritages.

T will be wearing a cream colored heavy handmade silk shirt like the one with the scarf in the photo with different cuffs. Mine will be handmade and silk as well with a cut like the shirt on the left. The cuffs will be like the right hand shirt. Black silk, handmade pants for both of us.

My shirt color is the dilemma now. I thought something in the purple family, because of the deep purple labyrinth and the flowers. When Mary sent the silk swatch samples I thought about purple again, but it's not a color I wear. I'm pinky pale with freckles, green eyes and salt & pepper hair, mostly salt. I love green, but I'm unsure. Today when I found the pink shirt (the one with scarf) on the facebook site, I thought pink, why not. I would wear a pink or green top again, and I love eth cut and feel of the shirt she will make and I would want to wear it for years.

I'll sleep on it, poll the painters and Mary Deangelis herself. It's too bad the colors are not true, but I wanted to share them anyway.

For the Record,
This day came in HUMID still!!

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