
By WeeChris

Reflection on the rain.

Conference has been "full-on," which I always find stimulating and exciting, it's also a great pleasure to meet so many old friends who, like me, are very devoted to veterinary internal medicine and cardiology. Ideally I aspire to achieve something meaningful in my life. When I compare myself to others I feel wanting, so I try not to do that.

I needed a break ,so I encouraged a couple of my best old friends to skive off with me; we went to the Chagall exhibition at Tate Liverpool (missing a couple of non-crucial lectures). The exhibition was the perfect antidote to a brimming cornucopia of dry detailed information. Its sometimes better to select a modicum of lectures rather than gorge, because if you do the latter... it doesn't get digested.

Here is some rain. Here is the reflection of an old warehouse.

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