On The Bus

Mr K had to go to the dentists today to have a wisdom tooth removed. And I had to go with him to make sure he actually went in for moral support.
The dentist is in Oxford so we made a day of it and went to Browns for brunch. I nearly Blipped our meal again but I did it better here!
After our scrummy eggs Benedict we had a mooch round Debenhams - looking at dresses for Strictly!!
Then we mooched round Clarks and my lovely husband bought me some gorgeous new boots.
Then we mooched round Waterstones, looked at books (obviously!) and sat in Costa for a while.
As I was in the queue I was reading a post a friend had put on Facebook involving Winalot, roads, balls and IV tubes. It made me cry laughing and I couldn't speak to order my drink and the woman probably thought I was a complete loon.
And then I sat at my table - alone - laughing away to myself. Like a lunatic!
Mr K got back from his browse to find me with tears pouring down my face.
Still laughing.
Like a lunatic!!
Thank you Mr J for making me laugh!
Then it was to the dentists.
Mr K and I have been having words about his irrational insistence on going to a private dentist just because it's the same one he went to eight years ago. The last time he went to the dentist!!
The Little Misses and I go to a perfectly lovely NHS dentist in Buckingham.
Why does Mr K have to go to a private one in Oxford?!!!!
But I must say it was lovely. A really grand waiting room, posh magazines, freshly made tea, huge comfy white sofas, orchids, lovely prints on the walls, a view out onto leafy St Giles.
You know, all the really important things when it comes to looking after your teeth!!!
Ha ha!
But they looked after Mr K very well and he is now missing one wisdom tooth, drugged up to the eyeballs and tucked up in bed!
It's a momentous night for Miss E. She is currently on her first ever sleepover at a friend's house. She has been looking forward to it for a couple of weeks and counting down the days - two or three times a day - which has been a little wearing!
But today was the day and to say she was excited would be a massive understatement!!
I've just had a text (at 9.30pm!) to say she and Miss T are still chatting away!!
Tired girls tomorrow I think!

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