
By CharlotteJ

Busy Saturday

8am to 9am cuppa tea in bed
9am to 9:45 more tea, toast and washing from holiday sorted
10am to 2:30 – work
2:30 to 3:30 – quick 4mile run
4:30pm – Off to the supermarket

For Heart Freeks September Challenge – In the Supermarket

I did get lots of funny looks from other customers and even some of the staff where keeping a close eye on me!! Felt a bit uncomfortable with the camera in the shop…this isle is my favourite isle! Stocked up our wine rack and spent a small fortune on every day groceries! Hubby came with me....very rare he wanted to drive!

Thank you for your hearts, stars and comments on my blip last night, you are a good bunch.

Happy Saturday to you all, I’m sure I heard wine being poured!


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