Lady Layabout

I have not been motivated to do anything much this week, in fact I have spent most of it sitting and reading. This morning I didn't even get out of bed until 10am and then it was a couple of hours later before I got dressed. So when my neighbour asked if I wanted to walk to Monton with her I decided it was the therapy I needed.

We powered along the old railway and then back along the canal. The sun was shining and it felt good to be outside. I took three pics today, the first was of the 'witch's house' in the woods. It is a thatched cottage right in the woods, the children always refer to it as the witch's house and I have to agree with them. I wouldn't live there if you paid me. I watched Whitechapel the other night and was scared to death...I had to put all the lights on in the house...if I'd watched it in that house I think I would have had a heart attack.

The second pic was of some graffiti and was very boring and this was the third pic. I liked the name of the boat...Lord Layabout...I'm very much a Lady Layabout at the moment! I liked it even better upside down.

Pat had baked a cake today which we took to Carole's. It was delicious...thank goodness I had some exercise earlier. When I got home the sun was low and golden and I could hear a cricket match still going on so I thought I would go and take some action shots. I had just watched England beat Australia with only a couple of balls to go so I was in cricket mode. Sadly the game finished soon after I arrived so I didn't get any pics.

I'll try not to be a layabout tomorrow.............but I can't promise anything :))

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