The gig

Why is it that at the weekend the kids wake up earlier than during the week?? Dexter decided that 5.20am would be a really good time to start the day and Olivia got up at 7.10am which is earlier than she has been getting up all week. I was quite grumpy this morning as I was looking forward to not being woken up by my alarm. Grrrrr.

Then the day became really busy and it's been pouring down all day. Grrrrr.
* Dexter attended his first Kin-ball class with three of his pals from the creche. It was a huge success.
* Two of his pals came back to our house for a play followed by their parents which was lovely but meant we didn't have any food in as we hadn't had time to go to the shops.
* Dropped Olivia off at a birthday party.
* Dropped hubby off at a friend's house.
* Play date and chat with friend from Dexter's school class.
* Collect Olivia from party.
* Drive kids to Braine-le-Chateau to watch Daddy in a gig with his band.

I love the above photo as Dexter walked around with his fingers in his ears for the first 20 minutes as the band fine tuned their instruments. It was very funny! Once the band started playing and the kids got used to the volume they danced solidly for an hour and were by far the biggest fans there :)

Fingers crossed they sleep for longer tomorrow!

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