Newted Colours

I had a lovely stroll today in an interesting area, which is a hidden gem close to some very built-up parts of the city. As well as being a haven for wildlife, having several ponds, it has some exceptional views across the city. With the exception of blackberries and Speckled Wood butterflies, I didn't see a lot of anything but on the bird front, highlights were a linnet and a couple of chiffchaffs, there were a few dragonflies around - a hawker which was too fast to ID and one or two ruddy darters, there was lots of life IN the ponds too. frog tadpoles, water boatmen and lots of these tiny newt tadpoles - about the same size as the frog tadpoles. I did have my polarising filter but forgot that it didn't fit either of the lenses I had with me, so I had a go at using a polariser brush on Aperture - just in the newt itself. It improved the image a little bit, I think.
As a result of spending the day away from home, I missed out on the Schools Games cycle racing which was happening on our road. More tomorrow though. If the weather is as bad tomorrow as they are forecasting, I wonder if it will go ahead.

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