2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun


Up at a decent time this morning to get to Liverpool to do the zip for Walton.

The blip is of (left to right) Fleet, who is the landlord in Dad's local pub; David Fairclough, and me.

David Fairclough played for Liverpool and had a reputation as "Super sub" because he scored a lot of goals when he came on as a substitute.

Serious illness doesn't differentiate to exempt celebrities. His wife was treated at The Walton Centre and he and his daughter were zipping in her memory.

He had to "queue jump" because the local tv news were waiting on the roof to film him. We didn't mind at all but he was most apologetic that he was going ahead of us.

The zip wire itself was really good. I don't like heights but once it got to my turn the instructors were great and I was able to enjoy it.

When I got home I spent a bit of time on the phone to the disconnection department about our mobiles. I'd been advised that when the contract was ending I should ring up and go through to "if you're thinking of leaving us".

Definitely worth it. We've got a great deal.

I've measured a 5 mile road race as well.

Think I may have a quieter day tomorrow!

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