Family Dog

By Family_Dog

getting into everything

For a baby who cannot actually walk and doesn't show any interest in even wandering around holding onto stuff, I am hugely impressed with Arlo's capacity for literally getting into everything at all times. Today he decided he'd learn how to switch on the lamps on our bookshelf and get all in about the 2nd top drawer in our kitchen.

You know the scenes in cartoons where people slip on banana skins, causing much hilarity and/or rage as they're going about their business? This is my life in my kitchen now. I will be standing at the sink, turn round to do something and step on a pastry cutter (by the way - really, REALLY bloody sore).

It's so unexpected, the random pop ups of objects in places you just wouldn't expect. I found these tongs in his buggy and took them out, put them back in the drawer and a while later, walked out of the livingroom to the bloody tongs on their end in our hall.

I fear for the walking stage. I really do.

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