
By Swissfamilywood

Week 14 and the morning sickness continues....

Today I'm 14 weeks pregnant. I was hoping to wake and for the morning sickness to stop - like so many people had told me it would. It hasn't. Being a Sunday I woke a little later than usual and thought "I think the sickly feeling has passed". Had it buggery. 30 mins after waking I was head over the toilet bowl and puking for the 8th week running. Sorry to start off my journal moaning, but I don't know how many more days I can take of this. After being sick, the queasy feeling stays with me all day and all I can eat is bread and potatoes. I'm such a healthy eater normally and so my limited diet is really getting to me. I can't now look at tomatoes (which I'm usually addicted to) without wanting to heave. I'm walking around like a zombie all day and just want to hide in my duvet - hence my image today. I need to get up as i am out to visit friends, but as soon as I'm done i will be back under my duvet. I'd like normal service to resume soon.Thanks.

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