Hay for three

Been a lazy day at home today, but after looking at a sparse pantry towards the end of the afternoon I decided a quick trip into the Lincoln supermarket was required to get a few fixings.

Passing Lake Ellesmere, the sunset was gorgeous, but I decided against another lake shot for tonight's blip. Instead, I took a diversion from my usual route, took a short cut down the unsealed Seabridge Road towards Motukarara hoping to find something down there.

Passing a cattle yard, I saw these steers chowing down on their hay feeder, beautifully front lit by the setting sun. With the rolling hills of Gebbies Pass forming a backdrop, it seemed a perfect rural blip opportunity.

As mentioned by me previously, and Daring2Go, tomorrow sees the start of my 'Rainbow Challenge'. If you'd like to take part, here's a brief summary of the week's blip-plan:

The idea is that each day next week, starting Monday, to shoot a blip that features one of the ROYGBIV colours of the rainbow. So here's what I'm proposing: on each of the day's below shoot a blip that features the colours below as your subject or the predominant shade.

Monday 16th: Red
Tuesday 17th: Orange
Wednesday 18th: Yellow
Thursday 19th: Green
Friday 20th: Blue
Saturday 21st: Indigo
Sunday 22nd: Violet

If you're interested in taking part, let me know and I'll add you to my page with a link to your journal. Also, add the keyword "Rainbow Challenge" to help me find you if need be!

Lastly, I'm sorry if I've been a bit lacking on commenting on blips recently. Since heading back to work full-time following the surgery, I've been a bit run down by day's end so have been limited to just a few sporadic comments here and there. I've only really had time to thank those who've commented on mine (mainly to thank them), which I know is a bit slack really... To all those who have commented on my journal, thanks so much. Your support makes me keep on persevering with my blipping. I will hopefully start to reciprocate again shortly...

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