
By cowgirl

Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma .....

Sorry if that song sticks in your head now ( I'm stuck with ... well, I won't inflict that on you but suffice to say a certain teeny pop boy band has made it as far as the Middle East and my little friend Kashkash thinks they're fab. Tried to show her the original Fab Four and how Beatlemania looked - " ugh, they're ugly! " she shrieked!!! ).

Anyway, we're having a quiet day, just sitting enjoying the crazy heat with the aid of an electric fan of course. We may have to shift to the air conditioned house soon, but are determined to enjoy being outside for as long as possible!

That turned out to be a stroke of luck for this little chap/ess. Hooded crows are prevalent around these parts and they take great delight in pecking chameleons and any other lizard that can't get out of the way quick enough to death. We spotted two of the beggars having a go at this little one so raced over to save it by moving it to the safety of a tree, but not before getting my blip for today!

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