Big Hill

By bighill

Waiting for Pizza....

We had a very adventurous day.... first we loaded up a few pieces of furniture, mattress and bedspring and a deliver to a friends' place about 1/2 hour away. but before we set off, we decided that the sofa, being stored in the lower part of the barn (which is going to be the pottery soon!) needed to be lifted, up to the second floor of the building, on the outside...and live up there, in the ping pong room....terry and marie hosted the sofa, while i pulled it up thro the door on the 2nd floor...very successful i have to say, altho i did have my misgivings!!!

then off to deliver the bed and chair...that was an interesting trip....

then maria, terry and i hiked up to Usge Ban falls again, it was pretty wonderful. then we drove home, via the 'shortcut' - this was terry's idea of an adventure...back road that was barely a road, deep puddled areas where we almost lost the truck... with me in a somewhat skeptical state as to whether we would actually get to the other end...and we did!
home at last and a wonderful pizza...

here is Marie awaiting the arrival of the amazing pizza~

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