
Meet Oliver, an inspiring friend and sometime business collaborator. Dd and I met Oli for lunch today in Barcelona and we had a very happy reunion reminiscing about his wedding, catching up on news of his growing family, as well as recalling the huge creative musical and purpose-filled employee engagement events we collaborated on in Budapest for my 800 staff there.

He was one of the founders and on-going drivers of the Dance4Life programme in South Africa designed to help build the confidence of young people with HIV and motivate them to express themselves fully making the very best of their lives, and for everyone taking part to become agents4change to ensure HIV and AIDS is driven off the planet. So far 850,000 people have taken part around the world...if you watch the clip you will get a feel for the initiative as well as see Oli flash up on stage at the 30 second mark...here! Don't miss it or him!

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