Round the Loch

I almost postponed today's site work because of the forecasted gales. A first look out the window suggested the 100% confidence in rain to be justified and while the trees were moving it was pretty calm really. So it was "Hi Ho, Hi Ho its off ...."

A frustrating aspect to how our survey kit works is that one piece of kit -the GPS base station- needs to run continuously for about a mimum of four hours. This is to accummulate enough raw data, as the space vehicles cross the sky, to reconcile against concurrent data on the OS GPS active network. This is like GPS trig points. Thus on a remote site if all we needed to do was take five minutes of measurements in relation to the base, for those measurement to be correct in absolute terms we still have to wait for the base to run its time.

There was an element of this today and I took a wee look along the shore before returning to pack up. This wrecked boat hull at Camusnagaul has been here for as long as I can remember. I don't know why but the photo makes the day look better than it actually was. The camera does lie!

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