Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack

A Nice Bit Of Scenery

We saw lots today.

After a leisurely breakfast we had a wander round the sights of Kyle of Lochalsh. That took, oh, 20 minutes or so :-)

We then set off over the bridge to Skye to see what we could see.


We drove up to Portree and marvelled at the sea and the mountains and stopped and took photos at a lovely waterfall.
After Portree (and coffee+cake o'clock) we headed to Sconser and got the ferry across to Raasay.

We walked up the hill to the top of the disused mine, then down the other side following the path of the tramline that took the iron ore to the pier. At this point we realised we had half an hour to get back round to the ferry pier so off we went almost running
at a brisk pace.

I may have thought I was going to die collapse at one point but my Moonwalk training kicked in and we flung ourselves in a sweaty heap on the ferry made it with a couple of minutes to spare.

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