Plus ça change...

By SooB

It's a metaphor

Ok, really it's a wheelbarrow but, lying knackered and forgotten in the woods, it felt like a metaphor for something.

Our guests left this morning. On the whole I think we have to call the visit a success - especially given what we were expecting. There were many tears as they all piled into the car for Mr B to take them to the airport (from them, not me, unless you count the tears of relief and exhaustion).

Later, Mr B returned and we had a normal family weekend crammed into a three hour period: lunch, a walk in the woods over the main road, and games - mainly Mr B playing both kids at chess at once while I ironed his shirt for tomorrow. (He won one and lost one - not bad.)

After he left for the airport, the day felt a bit flat. There were baths, a lazy mammy dinner and an earlyish night. And I continued to fight with my Mac.

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