Who knew?

By InOtherNews


Tonight I went for a little mooch after work looking for something to take a photo of. It's been an eventful few months as you know and today I found out that one of my escape routes has been closed - I won't be moving to Bourne as Branch Manager. I understand the decision, and the feedback I got from the interview and my credentials was very good, but a lack of local knowledge was my downfall. I can't help but wonder how much you need to know about a small market town in Lincolnshire, and it was the 'second prize' after all. I have my eye on a slightly more ambitious project which is also out of my area.... I can say no more at this stage. However should it come off I would be relocating to a City I've visited before to start a fresh and exciting challenge.

Who knows? Fortune apparently favours the brave and to up sticks and move to a completely new area is fairly brave. I just hope those tasked with deciding whether I'm up to the job agree.

I've come a long way in my career since I uploaded my first shot 906 entries ago (or a little shy of three years). Back then I was stuck in a completely unsatisfying role with no clue where I wanted to be, but through luck, judgement and a lot of hard graft I find myself in the strongest position I've been in for all my 34 and 3/4 years. I have options now, I have skills and I have a self belief that I've never really had. I'm not gutted about missing out on the Bourne job - I'm happy I held my own at the interview stage, I'm happy my credentials held up. I had to change my game a little and I've spent at least 12 months waaaay outside my comfort zone, and y'know what? I'm a lot stronger for it.

Keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks for the latest developments.

Oh yeah, the photo. It's alright isn't it? Theres a sneaky power station lurking in there somewhere.

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