Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Beach Breakfast

This was our last morning of vacation. So breakfast on the beach seemed appropriate, especially since the ocean is absolutely our most favorite place on earth. This "Beachcomber Restaurant" at Crystal Cove (which we had seen last night) opened at 7:00 a.m. so we arrived there this morning just moments after 7:00. Eating outdoors with the sound of the surf serenading us was delightful. I took several dozen photos, so I am exerting major control to not make a collage poster of this place and moment. I did post a new photo of us on the "about" page.

Mr. Fun started dieting about a month ago, so we were determined to stick with the diet and therefore during this vacation we only ate away from the house about twice for dinner and today was the first time for breakfast -- we're learning to have fruit instead of potatoes, poached eggs instead of fried, and only a slice of toast instead of all the toast served (I cheated today and ate all of this wonderfully delicious whole grain bread!). Mr. Fun has lost about 25 pounds. I lost about 13 or 14.

We've had a fabulous vacation -- two weeks ago today we arrived at a lovely home fully furnished in Huntington Beach (loaned to us). It is approximately 2 miles from the beach and just a block from the Santa Ana River bicycle trail.

We've pedaled our tandem bicycle for miles and miles all over the pavement of the beach cities (see the blips of the past 2 weeks). The last couple of days Mr. Fun rode his single bicycle for lots of miles--he even pedaled the 38+ miles home this past Wednesday to get his car -- yesterday's blip explains why his car was at home (and my "breaking" moment--ugh!).

It's good to be home in this place we call "The Edge of Forever." We're unpacked (well, I am) and settled and now it is time for our evening meal.

That's it for this Friday. Have a fabulous weekend.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol (& Bob dog)

P.S. Thank YOU everyone who has continued to view and to comment on my journal--without Internet connection at the vacation home, we could only post our blip and get Internet when we could get to a local library. So I have not comment much at all (sorry). Thanks to ALL who understand that dilemma.

P.P.S. Tomorrow I will be blipping very late because we are going to Mr. Fun's class reunion--more about that tomorrow night.

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