Thank you Rainie

... for the idea. Instead of tulips I had a vase full of roses and lily's to play with. I think I prefer Lorraine's simpler lines to my more complex image - I'll keep trying.

Today: dentist (with mum), lunch at Stainborough and then finally I got around to visiting the members Exhibition at the Art House in Wakefield. There's a lot I could say - might say in the morning, but just for now it will suffice to add that when I submitted my entry I was totally unaware that what I was actually doing was contributing to an `art installation' by the woman who was supposed to be curating the exhibition. I think I'll have more to say tomorrow - I am not happy with what they have done. At least my print was on the wall and not propped up on the floor where anyone walking past could kick it! I think I will be resigning my membership.

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