The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The beautiful place

Sometimes what the heart desires is not very far away ... I have written about this garden before, in one of my earliest blips, but until today I had never explored it fully.

The quest for Square September blips is driving me to new lengths, though, and the day which had started out autumnal and even kicked the school heating into gear, changed to a summer's afternoon. Beyond the memorial bench of my earlier blip, I found an additional seating area with another bench, and two log seats. A mature fig tree grows against the wall of the building. This is the view from one of the log seats. The street sounds can still be heard, but there is a unexpected sense of seclusion here so close to the roads that lead to "old Stroud". I've put on a 'dream filter' in photogene, which blurs things a bit.

There isn't a lot I can control on my compact (it hasn't got a full manual mode!) but I was experimenting with light metering here, as the sun had gone into full blazing mode. I also snapped a hoverfly on some late sunflowers on the way home, but I prefer this because it is more site specific.

I have been doing a lot of reading, as I ordered one of the course books I'm going to need soon, and it says

"Writers write
Writers read".

I've neglected reading at the expense of the internet over the past few years. I can't even watch TV without constantly checking my laptop or iPad for , er, what? I think I need to consciously make time for reading, instead of always trying to multi task. Sometimes I think I'm becoming incapable of focussing on anything unless I am chained to a sofa or cinema seat . (but you don't want to know about that, do you?)

Thus, over the past couple of days, I've made the effort and finished a book! yay! (The book of summers, by Emilyia Hall) and in so doing, neglected replying to comments. How to balance it all?

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