But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Hill Walker's Wreath.

The cycle club met for coffee before John’s funeral, he had collapsed and died on a club run on Wednesday nearly two weeks ago. The young lady who stopped to help at the time turned up, it was good to meet again and be able to thank her properly for her help at the road-side.
It was also good to meet John’s family and chat, it helped me come to terms with my feelings and I hope they benefited as well.

It was amazing to learn about sides of the man that we didn’t know existed. I had discovered on the Wednesday that John’s athletic prowess was of heroic portions but today, we learned that he was a computer scientist of note and influence, a do-gooder in the best sense of the expression, a political activist, an environmentalist and a pillar of his church.

The internment was at a green burial site in Corstorphine and the blip is of the wreath, apparently a traditional “hill walker’s wreath,” it is slightly ironic in that it seems John rarely walked in the hills - he preferred to run.

After the internment, I noticed an aged gent go and sit on a headstone, he took a pill and as he didn't seem to look too good I popped over to make sure he was o.k. Apparently he'd picked up an infection after running up Ben Nevis last week. I realised how he came to know John.

I’ve just posted yesterday’s blip - “A Wet Day.”

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