With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Not because I want to, but because I can

After a full day starting with the airport run (boo!), then work and a return to Soller, I ended up back in Palma for some essential and substantial (boo) purchases and therefore a rubbish tea for the boys and me.

Back at the ranch I am trying to get my head around how the weeks will be at least for September. It's going to change again in October and seems impossible to understand at the moment. Every day different for each of the boys and that's just school. I can see why the teachers are on strike having to deal with last minute demands regarding language teaching.

Seeing as I can lie down on the entrance floor and look at the ceiling light, I thought I would do that. A little frustrating, because I can't change the light bulbs all the way up there. Not that I want to.

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