Industry. Badass industry.

A wander through the woods around the river Aare below Zollikofen led to the discovery of this hive of activity. This is a nest under construction by a colony of European Hornets, Vespa crabro and it's my first ever sighting of one. I've had one fly (possibly drunk) into my head on an University field trip in 1995, almost eaten one in 2002 at a cricket match and seen the odd one or two when out fishing but for one who spends a lot of time outside I always wondered why I hadn't seen more.

That link to Wiki explains it. They are classed as a vulnerable species after persecution due to irrational fear (isn't 95% of fear of wild stuff irrational!).

Anyway, I won't get too upset, just be glad that I've witnessed something new and wondrous.

Ive said it again and I say it thousands of times more; I adore nature.

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