
By Shutterup

When she got there...

the cupboard was bare..

I volunteer for my local Trussel Trust Foodbank. I am horrified at the amount of people that come through our door and am amazed at the variety of reasons that people end up needing our support.

This week Michael Gove had a go at foodbanks saying that the people who used them only got into that situation because of their own financial mismanagement. How wrong he is.. and how insulting!! We provide a three day ration of 'crisis' food to people who are caught in a financial trap..often through accident.. a change of circumstances through illness..battered wives who end up in refuge with nothing.. losing jobs and the benefit system taking too long to sort out the paperwork. Not one person that we see 'wants' to be in this situation.. but often they have gone without any food for several days. How dare Mr Gove dismiss food banks like this. Each person is only allowed to come to us up to 3 times so the turn over of people is always a surprise to me. Living in a small community there must be something wrong that there are so many on the poverty line like this.

Next time you see a foodbank collection.. think about it.. donate some food.. these people need our help.

Today the treat shelf was empty.. shame..

The Trussel Trust for more information

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