Double Shot Mummy


First swimming lessons

The time has finally come! I took the trio down to our pools to meet Omm, our lifeguard. He is a certified swimming instructor and is very fond of Oscar and Bailee. They went back to back with a half hour lesson each. Both of them aren't particularly confident in deep water (i.e. holding onto someone), but I was so impressed with what they achieved today.

Bailee went first and concentrated very hard. She went under, blew bubbles and kicked her feet. Oscar went second and was a bit more reluctant, (It is his nature). He certainly achieved more than he does with me. He held onto Omm's hands with the 'noodles' under his arms and put his face under.

Maple in the meantime had a whale of a time crawling in and out of the water. She has no fear and doesn't feel the least bit cold, (Even with the pool temperature being 27 degrees, it feels cold compared to the outside temperature!)

So well done Oscar and Bailee for going out of your comfort zone and taking risks. Proud of you both!

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