Screen test
Today I have been mostly looking at this.
After early attempts to clean up my hard drive with some software recommended yesterday (failed as installer kept hanging), I resorted to dhackett68's plan 3 and have spent the day cloning my drive. The mac hangs every hour or so, at which point I have to restart and set it off cloning again. Which is what I've been doing for the past 12 hours. Now, just when the blue bar is nearly full... it is hanging every time on a fsck_hfs.log file... Not sure how to get past that. Though I have tried some command line stuff - which wasn't nearly as scary as expected.
Eventually this will all work and will, in the long run make my system more robust - and if course I am learning a lot along the way. Just need to sort out this pesky file that stops the cloning!
In other news, CarbBoy worked really hard and did well on his spelling test at school. TallGirl is conjugating Spanish verbs, but can't say 'I am called...' yet, and we had a meeting at the school about her Association Sportive - Wed afternoon sports club - and learned about all the fab and scary things they'll be doing there this year. I missed some of it as I was staring out of a window at a cat trying to drag a kitten across a void in the part of the school that is derelict. She managed to get it in the end. More traumatic for TallGirl's pal next to me who'd never seen a cat pick up a kitten and thought it was being devoured!
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