Q - How many men does it take to cut down a tree ?
A – Tree fellas, of course !

After my blip a couple of days ago, the end finally came for the 10 metre willow outside of our garden. The operation itself only took 33 minutes – and that included a tea break.

In the good old English manner, this operation involved 4 phonecalls, 11 men in all, 4 vehicles and 7 barriers to shut off the road. Oh and the actually tree surgeons travelled a round trip of 124 miles to do the grand job. Now I wonder what the cost of all this was ?

Don’t forget the discount as, by some miracle, our garden wall and flowers were left intact ! Now that was one caring old tree.
All we have now is one big space - where will the Woodpecker, Ring-Necked Doves and the Goldfinch go ???
Sorry tis late - I need to catch up with comments tomorrow.

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