
By kas18

Eek We Have A Mouse!

Hi Tom

We have a mouse, could be mice I suppose, in the kitchen. It's been under the sink and in the cutlery draw and in the cupboard where we keep the dogs treats. As you can imagine I'm freaked out by it. The cutlery is now out of the draw and has been replaced by this mouse trap. We have loaded it with chocolate and peanut butter. We have another trap under the sink and two more in the dog treat cupboard.

Every time I go to open a cupboard or a draw I kick it a few times first just incase it's in there. I really don't want to find one dead or alive. Needless to say there has been a lot of clearing out done.

I need Dolly back near the house. It's all very well here being over in the summer room with the kittens but I need her to do her job around the house. Maybe I should keep all the kittens to keep the mice at bay.

She is killing things but unfortunately not mice. I found a headless pigeon in the kitten basket today. It had to stay there until dad came home as i just couldn't touch it for love or money. There were feathers everywhere. I've been keeping a window open in the summer room so Dolly can go and come as she pleases. She must have dragged it through the open window. I'm so glad I don't have a cat flap.

It was nice talking to you again last night. I hope you get rid of the crutches soon and that your leg mends as soon as possible.

I've been to Zumba tonight. I was quite tired but it was fun as usual. I think I need an early night tonight as I'm up for bootcamp in the morning. X

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