View From The Study

By StudyView


I'm pining for the pork of a porcupine.

Listening to this for the first time in ages as I tidy round before the cleaners tomorrow. Thought I'd have loads to do but I suspect that Floss persuaded her mum to let her tidy her room when they came to pick up her stuff after school; we'd had a bit of a do this morning as Floss couldn't find some of her jotters for school and got in a state. My response about 'if you kept your room better you'd be able to find things' went down as well as it did with me at her age. Turns out she'd handed them in last week.

Oops. On the plus side, a very difficult looking hearing on Thursday is cancelled so a late start and an easy workload. Unfortunately I have the next two evenings given over to panel; information evening at Leith Academy tomorrow and training on Thursday. Where will I find the time to get to the gym and get down to pulling weight (ho ho ho). A joke for my girls who seem a little worried about me.

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