Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Dover, Dunkirk and Brugge

Daddy thought we were running late for our ferry this morning (GPS error) but fortunately that fear was laid to rest as we arrived with plenty of time.

There were so many great pictures from today but given how much the wee man enjoyed his first store bought purée, this shot had to trump the rest. He's certainly getting into the holiday spirit as all of a sudden the wee man has gotten lazy, and he now expects us to help feed him! It's great at the moment though as he's already utilising his new tooth to bite through food and satiate himself much quicker.

Brugge was a great place to wander around but after being on our feet all day, we're absolutely shattered now. We've just planned our next couple of days (Brussels, Luxembourg and Bavaria) while the wee man is sleeping in a cot in our room. Glass of wine in hand. This is the life.

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