Grand Canyon
After an evening in Kanan last night (pool and an amazingly good restaurant for a small town), we got a bit of a lie-in at (we're staying somewhere for more than 1 night for a change).
Today was a visit to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, going to the Toroweap Overlook. This needed 60 miles on unpaved road which became very off-road towards the end. Great fun.
An amazing place to visit. The canyon is only about a mile wide at this point, so it is possible to see the vast depth that the river has carved out. Trying to capture this in an image is almost impossible - but I gave it a go anyway. The overlook is 880 metres above the river, with vertical cliffs plummeting straight down. People in 10m long rafts down on the river looked like minute specks.
This was taken from the viewpoint looking up-stream. The tree gave it that bit of a sense of scale, though it's just not possible to do justice to the grandeur in an image.
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