Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Getting something magical in your daily life can be a tiring job sometimes. To transform yourself, and in turn, transform the world around you, takes effort and peace of mind. The sky was on fire this morning, for the briefest of moments I stood and watched out of the window, reds and bright golds....magical! After just a few minutes it had gone again and all was hidden behind cloud.

Down by the river I waited for such wondrous alchemy that can turn water into rose gold, it was not a long wait.

Theses moments, feelings, sensations are the true magic of life for me and I jealously guard them. It is a drug, a need, a must. One day, who knows when? my eyes will close on this amazing life and I intend to grasp as much as I can while I have wit to do it. This is not a melancholy thought but more empowering, to know that one day I will make my own alchemical transformation into something else, so.....while I am me.....breathe look around!


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