Mr Nut is starting school full time tomorrow, and I am taking commissions on again, it's good that I'm busy. In fact, I think that I might start to focus more on commissions, in art as well as dolls. I think it's something I'm good at.

Anyway, Mr Nut was not going to school today because THEY DO NOT HAVE PLATES at snack time. What kind of vile barbarian do they think he is? I suggested that he had a banana for a snack then, since they don't need plates. I don't know what other kind of fruit they had on offer, but he came home chirpier than ever, having had a banana and having recieved a gold star for 'sitting beautifully'. Order was restored, and he 'put himself on the happy side of the rainbow sun' which I think is some kind of poster based thing they have developed to understand the childrens feelings.

Or it could be some complex imagining of Mr Nuts,, of which he has many.

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