
The word 'homework' is a bit of a problematic concept here. It makes us itch...a lot...we don't like it. Izz had a homework book where she was encouraged to trace letters at home, but we lost it after about 2 days and I totally forgot about it because, to be honest, Mick and I weren't interested. Finally checked her bookbag and there were about 5 days worth of letter-tracing work sent home to stick in the book (as we had lost it). "Uh-oh" I sighed, and just put them on the table...

....I then come downstairs after writing up a reference for a uni student, only to find that Izz has found the letter things and has done them all....sat there tracing the letters because she wants to...

...No moral to this story, but I am so happy that she is ready to take on this learning and has done so herself. Lovely. Well done Beanie, given all of your learning difficulties. The school are really rather brilliant at pitching learning, I think. xxx

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