Magical Farnham

Drove to Farnham, Surrey, to spend the day with my old friend Dee. We met at the school yard gate 35 years ago this month. Today she gave me a great day out with a wonderful home cooked lunch. And we had a bit of a chat to catch up, well a lot of a chat really. Ok, mega chat as you can only with really close friends of many years.

This is a green area near the centre of Farnham, don’t know what it’s called but it’s attractive and spacious. Kids play here, businessmen have their sandwiches sitting sweetly on benches in their suits, people jog, isolated by their headphones. and women like us take a short cut to the shops. There are also school kids sometimes subdued, tired, sometimes boisterous and full of life.

I gave the picture The Treatment because today was just so magical, being and doing the ordinary, under my own steam after months of dependence. Love, love, loved it.

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